The memory of John Muryunik Alikut, a cherished friend, beloved son, and devoted big brother, will be forever etched in our hearts and honored through the food security initiatives on this platform. On November 22, 2023, a fierce blizzard swept through the community, plunging many homes into darkness for days. Driven by love and responsibility, John ventured out midday to secure food and milk for his family. In the heart of the storm, he became disoriented and tragically did not return home. His body was discovered hours later, after the storm subsided enough for a search to be conducted.
As a member of our team, and a frequent interpreter for his brother Tony’s participation in the program, John’s selflessness and unwavering commitment to his loved ones will always serve as a source of inspiration for our food security and climate adaptation work with Niriqatiginnga. As we continue to collectively work to address food security, we do so in his name, carrying forward his legacy of care and community. May his memory guide us in our efforts to ensure that no one goes without the essentials, especially in times of need.