Minister MacAulay toured the Indigenous Food Lab and met with representitives of NATIFS and their Indigenous Food Lab. Photo: Agri-Food and Agriculture Canada
In Photos

Agriculture Minister visits Minnesota

NATIFS and their highly-successful Indigenous Food Lab are one of the model programs we have been looking at for our community-based, participatory food sector entrepreneurship and organizational capacity building projects.

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At Niriqatiginnga, we believe that innovation can happen anywhere. By encouraging our youth to leverage their surroundings and resources, we empower them to create meaningful change within their communities. Innovate where you are and watch incredible things unfold.

Northern Indigenous Economic Opportunities Program

CanNor is now accepting applications for the Economic Research Stream (ERS) of the Northern Indigenous Economic Opportunities Program (NIEOP), aimed at bridging knowledge gaps in the territorial Indigenous economic ecosystem through research and knowledge dissemination.

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Building a Community of Practice

As a community program, nurturing the skills, knowledge, and networks of our future leaders, this unique, pilot program contributes beyond the success of its participants. It also aims to lay foundations for sustainable and impactful business and entrepreneurship programming.

Sharing our Stories

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Supporting Community

Thank you to the businesses who support our programs and activities! We appreciate their support!

We’re proud to be members and volunteers who support the Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce.