Youth, Arts and Media Team

Winnipeg, Manitoba-based Niriqatiginnga Youth, Arts, and Media has launched a new project aimed at building organizational capacity. The initiative involves workshops, events, and collaborative efforts to address relevant issues and amplify youth voices. Supported by community partners, the project aims to foster dialogue and awareness among young individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Growing from the Ground Up in Manitoba

Niriqatiginnga means “Come Eat With Me” in Inuktitut. It started in early 2023 as a grassroots effort, with little more than a plastic table and a handful of volunteers. 

This project, based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, seeks to enhance existing Indigenous youth mentorship programs in the arts, culture and food sectors. We prioritize building governance and management capacity within volunteer boards, societies, and non-profits serving vulnerable populations. 

Our ongoing, volunteer-driven activities include tailored training, professional and organizational development, and advancing understanding of arts-based and participatory research methodologies. We collaborate closely with urban and newly-urban Indigenous youth, community organizations, and regional partners to maximize our impacts. Volunteers and community members actively co-design activities, from project planning, implementation, and decision-making processes, focusing on youth, community ownership and sustainability.

Click here to find out how you can support the program.

A Participatory Organizational Development and Community Renewal Initiative for Healthy, Safe, Connected Children and Youth

Project Start Date: 
01 April 2024

Project End Date:
March 31, 2025

Project Locations:
Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie

Geographic Regions:
Southern Manitoba, Northern Manitoba, Kivalliq Nunavut

Groups that will benefit include
Children, youth, seniors, ethnocultural groups, Indigenous peoples, people experiencing homelessness 

A submission to the Province of Manitoba From the Ground Up program.

Organization Description

As a locally and regionally-focused program, Niriqatiginnga supports four primary objectives: Indigenous Food Sector Entrepreneurship and Skills Development Training; Promoting Indigenous Agriculture and Agri-food-focused Research; Promoting Trade in Indigenous Peoples’ Food Products and Cultural Revitalization through Arts, Culture, and Creative Entrepreneurship

Niriqatiginnga focuses on incubating food sector skills development, promoting Indigenous agriculture, and fostering cultural revitalization and resilience through arts, cultural entrepreneurship and participatory organizational development. The organization is actively engaged in planning and designing for future food production, developing an online marketplace in partnership with the Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce, and implementing social programming aligned with Nutrition North Canada Program priorities. 

Click here for the latest Niriqatiginnga news and events.

As a community program, Niriqatiginnga nurtures the skills, knowledge, and networks of our future leaders. This unique, pilot program contributes beyond the success of its participants, laying the foundations for sustainable and impactful business and entrepreneurship programming across the Kivalliq Region and Northern Manitoba. Learn More.

Youth, Arts and Media Team News and Updates

The Niriqatiginnga project and the new Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce web site both represent direct outputs and outcomes of digital arts and cultural entrepreneurship skills development and training funded by the Canada Council for the Arts Digital Greenhouse in 2021-2022. We are actively applying what we learned and co-created on that project, to support arts sector development.

Project Description

Based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, this proposed project aims to enhance existing Indigenous youth mentorship programs in the food sector. Niriqatiginnga prioritizes building governance and management capacity within volunteer boards, societies, and non-profits serving vulnerable populations. Activities include co-design and development of tailored training, professional and organizational development to build skills and sector-related knowledge; and advancing a deeper understanding of arts-based and participatory research methodologies and approaches commonly found in social work practice.

Organizational Plans and Timelines

Youth Participatory Food Security and Supply Chain Research began in April 2024, seeded with funding and support from Manitoba Agriculture and the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. The Niriqatiginnga Youth Arts and Media Team program is funded by Agriculture Canada and the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Skills Program and began in May 2024. 

A Knowledge Sharing Workshop is tentatively planned for August 2024 in Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. Summer and Fall 2024 will see ongoing relationship development, engagement and participatory organizational development activities with a number of Manitoba and northern organizations.

May 1, 2024: Minister Champagne announces grant recipients for programs promoting intellectual property education, awareness and capacity building

Community Need and Benefit

Food sector career training, financial/digital literacy, and participatory organizational development, is needed for Indigenous youth to become effective leaders and advocates within non-profit organizations, contributing to sectoral rejuvenation, long-term community resilience and well-being.  

Neighbourhood, community and regional benefits

Enhancing and providing new community programs and resources: By offering tailored training, mentorship, and skill development opportunities in the food sector, the project enhances existing community programs and resources. Additionally, initiatives such as arts-based research methodologies and participatory approaches contribute to cultural revitalization and community engagement.

Improving community and organizational capacity: The project improves community and organizational capacity by providing training in governance, management, and leadership skills. This empowers Indigenous youth to take on leadership roles within volunteer boards, societies, and non-profits, fostering greater community involvement and long-term sustainability.

Promoting local economic development: Through initiatives such as Indigenous Food Sector Entrepreneurship and Skills Development Training. Promoting Indigenous agriculture and food systems, this project stimulates economic development across regions. By equipping Indigenous youth with the skills and knowledge to participate in the food sector, the project contributes to the growth of local economies and fosters self-sufficiency within Indigenous communities.

Project Partners and Collaboration

To maximize our impacts, we’ll collaborate closely with urban and newly-urban Indigenous youth, community organizations, and regional partners, pooling resources and expertise for shared goals.

Volunteers and community members actively participate in project planning, co-creation of knowledge, implementation, and decision-making processes. They contribute skills, knowledge, and cultural perspectives, ensuring community ownership and sustainability.

Niriqatiginnga is made possible with funding from:

Following Project Completion

The project’s sustainability will be ensured through ongoing partnerships, capacity building, and community engagement. We plan to leverage existing resources, maintain collaborative efforts, and adapt our programs to evolving needs.

For new and enhanced programs and initiatives: Post-project activities will be sustained through ongoing mentorship and support, leveraging partnerships with industry experts and regional organizations. Continuous evaluation and adaptation of the program based on participant feedback and emerging trends will ensure its relevance and effectiveness in preparing youth for careers in arts marketing and media. 

For planning projects: Strategic Action Plans developed on this project will be used and implemented through collaborative and participatory approaches involving youth, mentors, community partners, and funders. Clear timelines, milestones, and communication channels will facilitate effective project management, ensuring that objectives are met and outcomes are achieved. Additionally, lessons learned from the planning process will inform future initiatives, contributing to the continuous improvement of programming and services.