Youth, Arts and Media Team

Tony Eetak from @1860 Winnipeg Arts captured this photo of greenhouses in front of a beautiful northern sunset.
Tony Eetak from @1860 Winnipeg Arts captured this photo of greenhouses in front of a beautiful northern sunset.

Niriqatiginnga November 12, 2023 Video Update

Catch up on this month's activities with our latest video update. This short presentation will share some of the cool project activities our Niriqatiginnga project is working on this month.

Catch up on this month’s activities with our latest video update. This short presentation will share some of the cool project activities our Niriqatiginnga project is working on this month. From the biosystems students at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, to this month’s upcoming Decision Making in Supply Chain Operations class at the University of Minnesota Duluth, everyone is hard at work.

This month’s music and presentation was created by Niriqatiginnga founding member Tony Eetak.

We’re incredibly thankful to our artists, creators and mentors from Live It Earth, the University of Minnesota Duluth and the Minneapolis College of Art and Design: Ashe Underwood, Anastasia Broman, Ellis Anderson, Hachelle Carson, Connor Johnson, Alvaro Serrano, Lesley McGater, Tony Eetak, Kami Norland, Maeva Gauthier, Dr. Olaf Kuhlke and Dr. Wenqing Zhang. 

Picture of Tony Eetak

Tony Eetak

Tony Eetak is an emerging Inuk youth artist and cultural connector based in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Nunavut who enjoys music, visual and performing arts. Tony has been a dedicated volunteer for arts events for more than five years with organizations and projects including the Arviat Film Society, Global Dignity Canada, the ArcticNet-supported Inclusion in Northern Research, Creativity for Entrepreneurship with the University of Minnesota Duluth, and the Winnipeg-based hub of the Our People, Our Climate art project with the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. As a founding member of @1860 Winnipeg Arts, Tony’s work has been funded by the Canada Council for the Arts Digital Greenhouse and the Manitoba Arts Council Indigenous 360 programs. He is also a founding volunteer member of the Manitoba-based non-profit organization Niriqatiginnga. In 2023 Tony was named a National Role Model by the organization Global Dignity Canada.

Read our 2024 Summer Update

The Youth Employment and Skills Program (YESP) will contribute approximately $13.5 million to projects that employ youth and youth facing barriers. Each project will be eligible to receive up to $14,000 in matching funds to employ one (1) employee. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is one of several Government of Canada departments participating in the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy.

As a community program, nurturing the skills, knowledge, and networks of our future leaders, this unique, pilot program contributes beyond the success of its participants. It also aims to lay foundations for sustainable and impactful business and entrepreneurship programming.

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