Stories and Examples of SDG15 in Action

Life on Land (SDG 15) – Promoting Biodiversity and Ecosystems

This category showcases initiatives that promote biodiversity and sustainable land use within the Niriqatiginnga food security project. Each record exemplifies our commitment to preserving ecosystems, preventing deforestation, and ensuring the long-term health of terrestrial environments.This category showcases initiatives that promote biodiversity and sustainable land use within the Niriqatiginnga food security project. Each record exemplifies our commitment to preserving ecosystems, preventing deforestation, and ensuring the long-term health of terrestrial environments.

Learn more about how Niriqatiginnga is actively working to advance the UN Sustainable Goals with our SDG tracking page.

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About Niriqatiginnga

As a community program, nurturing the skills, knowledge, and networks of our future leaders, this unique, pilot program contributes beyond the success of its participants. Niriqatiginnga also lays foundations for sustainable and impactful business and entrepreneurship programming across the Kivalliq Region and Northern Manitoba.