Stories and Examples of SDG 2 in Action

Zero Hunger (SDG 2) – Ensuring Food Security

In this category, we showcase Niriqatiginnga actions and activities that contribute to achieving zero hunger. Each record highlights the project's efforts to promote sustainable agriculture, increase food production, and enhance access to nutritious food, playing a crucial role in addressing hunger and food insecurity with northern communities.In this category, we showcase Niriqatiginnga actions and activities that contribute to achieving zero hunger. Each record highlights the project’s efforts to promote sustainable agriculture, increase food production, and enhance access to nutritious food, playing a crucial role in addressing hunger and food insecurity with northern communities.

Learn more about how Niriqatiginnga is actively working to advance the UN Sustainable Goals with our SDG tracking page.

Niriqatiginnga champions economic reconciliation, empowering Indigenous communities through strategic partnerships, funding, and comprehensive support programs.
Food Security

Advancing Economic reconciliation

Niriqatiginnga champions economic reconciliation, bridging disparities and empowering Indigenous communities through strategic initiatives and collaborative partnerships.

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Fresh strawberries: Created with DALL-E 3, this stunning visual showcases our participants' imaginative food product ideas, blending creativity and culinary innovation!
Food Security

Manitoba Co-operator: Indigenous Ag projects boosted

We’re thrilled to see the Niriqatiginnga program featured in the July 4, 2024 Manitoba Co-Operator article “Indigenous ag projects boosted,” highlighting $1.52 million investment into Indigenous-led agriculture projects aimed at addressing food insecurity in northern communities.

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As a community program, nurturing the skills, knowledge, and networks of our future leaders, this unique, pilot program contributes beyond the success of its participants. It also aims to lay foundations for sustainable and impactful business and entrepreneurship programming.

About Niriqatiginnga

As a community program, nurturing the skills, knowledge, and networks of our future leaders, this unique, pilot program contributes beyond the success of its participants. Niriqatiginnga also lays foundations for sustainable and impactful business and entrepreneurship programming across the Kivalliq Region and Northern Manitoba.