Stories and Examples of SDG 1 in Action

No Poverty (SDG 1) – Eradicating Poverty

This category focuses on initiatives within the Niriqatiginnga food security project aimed at eliminating poverty. Each activity record tagged in this category represents our commitment to improving livelihoods, ensuring access to resources, and empowering communities to break the cycle of poverty.This category focuses on initiatives within the Niriqatiginnga food security project aimed at eliminating poverty. Each activity record tagged in this category represents our commitment to improving livelihoods, ensuring access to resources, and empowering communities to break the cycle of poverty.

Learn more about how Niriqatiginnga is actively working to advance the UN Sustainable Goals with our SDG tracking page.

Niriqatiginnga champions economic reconciliation, empowering Indigenous communities through strategic partnerships, funding, and comprehensive support programs.
Food Security

Advancing Economic reconciliation

Niriqatiginnga champions economic reconciliation, bridging disparities and empowering Indigenous communities through strategic initiatives and collaborative partnerships.

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This summer the Youth, Arts and Media Team are learning essential tips for growing beans and embarking on a journey toward sustainable gardening. Discover the benefits of cultivating your own nutritious and delicious vegetables.
Food Security

Growing Our Own Beans!

Learn essential tips for growing beans and embark on a journey toward sustainable gardening. Discover the benefits of cultivating your own nutritious and delicious vegetables.

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In the coming months, our project will be reaching out, building relationships and engaging with organizations, programs and models that can help inform the design and development of a professional commercial kitchen, Indigenous "food lab" and outdoor "living lab" community garden.

November 2023 Project Update

It’s been a busy few months. Here is our project update as we move into November, 2023. It’s the month we’ve been waiting for as, after more than six months of dedicated planning, Niriqatiginnga will officially start its programming.

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Initial Community Consultation Notes

This summer, our Niriqatiginnga project team spent a lot of time consulting and engaging several community partners here in Winnipeg, and in Northern Manitoba. Many communities, especially in the north, are struggling with a number of critical challenges and we thought we would share some of them here.

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Read our 2024 Summer Update

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As a community program, nurturing the skills, knowledge, and networks of our future leaders, this unique, pilot program contributes beyond the success of its participants. It also aims to lay foundations for sustainable and impactful business and entrepreneurship programming.

About Niriqatiginnga

As a community program, nurturing the skills, knowledge, and networks of our future leaders, this unique, pilot program contributes beyond the success of its participants. Niriqatiginnga also lays foundations for sustainable and impactful business and entrepreneurship programming across the Kivalliq Region and Northern Manitoba.